We are always looking for referees and we would like you to share with your team coaches, and players to see if we can get interested for the upcoming year. If you enjoy soccer, becoming a soccer referee might be a great match for you! Southern Minnesota Soccer Referee Association (SMSRA) is looking for Adult and Youth to become USSF certified soccer referees. You must be 13 or older to register.
Go to www.smsra.org or contact one of the individuals below for more information
Angelo Tartaglia: atartaglia@minnesotarush.com – SMSRA Education Coordinator
Wayne Lemens: smsrapresident@gmail.com – SMSRA President, and referee assignor
How to Become a Soccer Referee
If you enjoy soccer, becoming a soccer referee might be a great match for you!
Southern Minnesota Soccer Referee Association (SMSRA) is looking for Adults and Youth 13 or older to become USSF certified soccer referees. Become a referee, earn some money and give back to the sport you love.
You will find registration details at www.minnesotasrc.com. On the Minnesota SRC homepage, there is a “Become a Referee” link. There will be a video you can watch and a PDF file with registration steps. You will register, pay and complete the online training on the US Soccer Learning Center. You will also need to attend an in-person clinic.
There will be an in-person clinic in Rochester on Saturday, March 25, 2023. This is the only clinic scheduled in Southeastern MN. You can register for the clinic as soon as you pay your fee.
SMSRA is willing to help new referees with each step. Contact one of the individuals
below for more information.
Angelo Tartaglia: atartaglia@minnesotarush.com
Wayne Lemens: smsrapresident@gmail.com
All Referees who plan to work games for Minnesota Rush REC, Traveling, and Tournaments must complete a W9 form. The form will appear in Assignor when you register with the referee association - Any questions, please contact Wayne Lemens at wal.acct@gmail.com