Hawaii Rush

Minnesota Rush



fall rec program


General information

Bringing the Albert Lea Soccer Association under the Minnesota Rush umbrella provides our soccer players in Albert Lea and the surrounding communities more opportunities and resources. Our Albert Lea REC Program practice in local parks with games on Saturdays in Albert Lea. 

Albert Lea teams will be formed based on gender for each grade with the possibility of combined grade levels:

  • Kindergartners and 4 year old's- this age group will be COED.
  • 1st/2nd graders
  • 3rd/4th graders

Practices will start the week of September 2nd - weather permitting. The season will conclude October 12th. All games will be played on Saturdays. The first Saturday game will be September 7th.

Become a coach
We need your help! This program does not exist unless we have volunteer coaches. We provide you with all the lesson plans and equipment. If you are interested in coaching, please contact

Fabian Berrcil- fbecerril@minnesotarush.com


All practices will be held at Edina Memorial Park

All games will be held at  Edina Memorial Park

Grades Pre K-K - Practice night- Tuesday

Grades 1/2- Practice nights- Monday/Wednesday

Grades 3/4- Practice nights- Tuesday/Thursday

Rosters, and game schedule will be posted and emailed once all the coaches are assigned.

Registration / Cost


GENERAL Registration (June 1st- August 17th)


FREE REGISTRATION Opportunity: MN Rush offers one free player registration if parent agrees to coach a team. That's correct, FREE soccer registration if you coach a team!

Grade PreK- K (COED)- $50

Boys / Girls Registration- $60
- Grades 1/2
- Grades 3/4



Each player will receive a team top. The committee orders a general set of sizes for each team.
Players must provide:
- Shin guards
- Soccer Cleats or Tennis Shoes
- Soccer Ball
- Water Bottle


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